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Hi @Zaster,

I just tried IOOD1 on Linux with Wine; it works fine, but text boxes are empty. I guess they're using a common font -just not found on a default Wine setup.

Which font are you using for title/report text boxes?

Never mind, found myself. Here are the steps:

$ wine tahoma32.exe
$ cd $HOME/.wine/drive_c/windows/
$ rmdir Fonts
$ ln -s /usr/share/wine/fonts/ Fonts

There's also linux version of the game available on Steam.

i played this game with my friends and i think it may have been the scariest thing ive ever done

I am REALLY bad at small details so I didn't get very far but this game is so ADDICTING!!

Played it, and it was amazing! Just what I want out of a game! It doesn't have a lot going on in my opinion, but that might just be because I was unlucky. Overall a good game to play if your looking to be scared!

Also discovered and deciphered the morse code found in the secret ending. As far as I could find, no one else had figured this out, there are timestamps for easy navigation!   

Played this for the first time on stream and it was a blast!


This game has quickly become one of my all time favorite horror titles. It's one of the only games that involves trial and error that I thoroughly enjoy playing for long periods of time, and truly don't mind losing. It is a test of the mind, trying to keep your head on straight and memorize things while creepy intruders haunt the player. I can't recommend this game enough. I wanted to post my first playthrough that I did a couple weeks ago here on itchio. I've enjoyed this game so much, I made an entire series playing through all 3 titles. Absolutely fantastic game.
(1 edit)


big booty cheeks

i get a cannot read properly "build" of undefined while trying to download


is it safe to download?

(1 edit) (+1)

I want to recreate the old house in another game, but i dont know where some rooms are in the house, so where is the toilet? Balcony? Where does the door to the left of the couch in living room and the opened door in bedroom go? Where the door in the kitchen goes?


Hi! This should help:

(1 edit)

Hello Mr.Zaster. I downloaded your game but when i try to open "I'm on observation duty.exe" it doesn't seen to work. WinRar diagnostic messages would always pop up and say that it cannot execute the .exe file. Pls Help, i want to play your game so bad.

Hmm interesting. I haven't made any changes so I have no idea. You could try getting the Steam-version of the game if this doesn't start working.

Thank you. I'll try.

(1 edit)

The open door in bedroom is just a closet.




Ohhhh ok-

Follow me on Twitter:



I recently recommended this game, and cleared all of the 1st to 2nd games.
At first, I thought it was a game that only captures psychic phenomena without a story.
However, when I discovered Easter Eggs, these four houses were put together as a story.
I want to organize this and upload it to YouTube.
Could you please point out exactly what I have organized?
If you allow, I'd like to send an email because this is a place everyone sees.

I applaud your hard work,
From game users


You can email me if you want:


Permission to stream games

Hello, I have a question to ask.

I am sending this message to ask for permission whether if it is possible for our youtuber to stream or upload a video whilst playing your game. Also if it is possible,we would like to monetize and use superchat on stream and video. Again I am sorry for the sudden request.

Hello! Yes of course. Streaming, monetizing, uploading videos. It's all ok. :)

Have you Added anything sense releasing the game on steam?


Спасибо за обновление! Игра стала еще лучше. Жду следующего обновления :)


А разве было обновление недавно?

where is the new update?(((


Hello, I have a question. What is this picture? I found her when I watched a Russian YouTube. the picture says "Find my Body"


For anyone who wants the source video: 

How do you see this because i've never gotten this to trigger.

It initially looked like an album cover to me, but I couldn’t find anything, even reverse image searching it. The next picture that shows up during the distortion I eventually found. Turns out it was a stock photo taken by Thiago Miranda. It’s possible that one is a stock photo too as odd as it is. I’m definitely not sure since there are no results for it, and it’s kind of bizarre for a stock photo, definitely weirder than this one, and that’s saying a lot.

What's about mandolin's death?

One more question, Zaster, do you have any Plans for updating your game? May be adding new levels/screamers/easter eggs or new anomalies?


Mandelas death eh? 2013 doesn't seem to work when I enter it on the balcony...


I did nothing to Timothy! It wasn't me!


Is there anymore Easter eggs after the one in the old house?

Unfortunately no.

Deleted 5 years ago
Deleted 5 years ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Wow. Thanks a lot!


We found it. 

Open your eyes. 

Nice. Give my regards to Timothy.

(1 edit) (+1)

Will it always bring us to the main menu from Timothy? Or are we missing something to get back to our game?

It will always bring you to the main menu.


Victory! (New House)


The producer's Secret is a mess.
These days, this kind of secret only makes the game tired.

(1 edit)

Love this game Zastor, its such a great idea and im having so much fun! however, the secret audio needs to be cleaned up a bit! I have tried everything to solve it and i'm struggling. The audio just isn't clear enough and I have reversed it, changed the pitch, slowed it, sped it up, everything! all I can get that's kinda legible enough is (guessing)



I listened to the audio in the old house. But I can't find the secret of the game. I've tried very hard to find Secret. I was so wasted and began to get angry. I tried to list the words as similar as possible to the voice that came out by reversing the audio.

"set do nom for light open me usually airft(????) in a cofe(?)" what the fuxx english????? i'm korean. 

I can't guess what the word is by its pronunciation.  It is impossible to infer the alphabet from the pronunciation of English. It is a similar pronunciation, but it may be a very different word. I don't know all the words in English. Why do you have Secret only in human voice? The only person who can only hear and interpret English is the person whose first language is English. Why didn't you make the letter secret?

I've reported all the anomalies in the lights. It took a lot of time and I tried a lot. All abnormalities, whether paintings changed or ghosts appeared, were reported as abnormalities of light. But Secret could not be found. The biggest mistake you've made is that you've made a Secret in the voice of a man of opaque pronunciation. I can even try to make a Secret out of words that I can see with my eyes. I got too much stress from this game. I don't want to waste any more time on Secret. You deceived users with Secret.

I'm very angry now. Do you know how reckless or time-consuming it is to report all anomalies without even knowing that reporting them as light is properly interpreted? I put my time in the trash. All this is due to the ambiguous producer's words and actions that are not certain. "You're doing great. You're finding it. Audio is the key." I'm more angry because audio is the key. The audio pronunciation is so stupid.

"airft.... in a cofe..."

People who are not the first language don't know what this means. 

"airft?????, aft?? e a f t???" "kofe? cufe? cough? cup? kup?" "inocof??"


I think reverse regeneration is the answer. But the pronunciation of the voice is rubbish. We don't need a voice, we need a word. Not everyone can infer words by the voice of the hint alone.

It's time to leave.  I was so angry. I've wasted too much time trying to find the real look of Secret. You cheated users.

ppkkw, I understand you're angry but relax man, it's just a game! however, you're right about the audio. I speak English as a first language and I have recorded it, slowed it down, reversed it, changed its pitch and I still can't find anything. Its not very clear, maybe some good feedback for Zastor to clear up the audio a bit so we can solve it? 

p.s whats this Photo you speak of??? i cant find it at all?

(2 edits)

The audio looks like an anagram.
In the end, the only thing I interpreted was the front. 
in that part 
"set... s...hado nom (shadow anomaly) for ligh...t open me uaually airft in a cof"

Like "shadow" and "nom," I think "airft" and "in a cof" are pronounced as they seem.

I think the important part is "set shadow nom for light"

This is the best interpretation for me because English is not the first language.
I just want the producer to reveal the secret.
I was under too much stress because of the game.

I reported anomaly for all light as shadow anomaly, and reported all shadow anomaly as light anomaly, but found nothing.

I cleared it that way and found nothing.
I'm tired now. I'm angry.
The Secret hidden in the game by the producer should have rather not been known as "hint."

You should think of it as an anagram for reverse playback of audio. List (s..hado nom -> shadow anomaly)

Then you can make a better interpretation because your first language is English.

Thanks for the feedback. I guess it's a bit too difficult now. It's pretty hard to evaluate how easy it is for other people to understand it. It just seems so easy to me because I know what it says already. I'll look into it and maybe make some changes later.

(2 edits)

You think it's easy because you know the answer.
I'll give you a question. It's a very easy question.

If you get the answer to this question, you'll say, "Why did I think this was so difficult?"
All problems are easy when you know how to get to the correct answer.
The problem is difficult if you don't know how to get to the right answer.

I understand that. I'll be making some changes to it.


Hell0 Zaster, I am Shiny,Maybe I found your body plz give me answer, is it your body?

Hi! Nice. Nah I'm way more handsome than that guy.

what is this


Hello Zaster, I am WhiteDeath, I have many captures in the section of Steam about your game and I come to communicate with you as I would like to ask for more updates since once passed the 2 houses completely there is nothing else to do (excluding easter eggs) Thanks and keep going <3

Hi! Thanks for playing the game. I will be making more content in the future. However I can't say when. Right now I have some other stuff I need to be working on. But updates will come in the future.

there is any other way to comunicate with you?

Please! make moore levels!!!


OK, so this is both fun and frustrating.  I wish there were some kind of hint as to what you miss when you lose.  I have lost several times and even taking screenshots I can't seem to figure out what I'm overlooking.

I really like this concept, but I guess these old eyes are just not sharp enough to actually win this game...


It's scary


Can you do this game free?

You can already download it for free here if you wish.

make the game for 32 bit please

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